Saturday, July 4, 2009

Top Ten Reasons To Go To Olive Garden With The Bell Boys
  1. No need to worry about entertainment, need I say more.
  2. 8 yr old can I hold the beeper ,5 yr old I want to hold the beeper its my turn, 8 yr old I want to give it to the girl, 61 year old I'll give it to the girl .
  3. The 3 yr old will cut ur eggplant parmagian for uin all angles.
  4. All the little ones will wonder how we get upstairs to eat at that little table .
  5. And where are the stairs?
  6. It's always busier at dinner time HEY other people need to be entertained too !
  7. Hey we get real napkins at dinner time that the 5 yr old keeps wiping mouth and throwing over back of high back chair who needs it in ur lap when u looose a big hunk of sauce anyway.
  8. To the 3 yr old no Mamaw really doesn't like those mints Dang !
  9. Let's play musical chairs to this Italian music but Papaw what r all the chairs for at the Waltons table for anywayif not to play. JIM BOB (Dad) would have let us.
  10. Let's take all these little cups home after chocolate milk and we get new ones with water Papaw wouldn't spring for more milk.Lets make all carry one so people don't think we've ever saw a plastic cup before . All the yr old's were very good even the 61 yr old .

Top Ten Reason To Go to Olive Garden With The Bell Boys

Monday, February 4, 2008

Top Ten Reasons Not To Watch Football

1. Because you can watch The Closer marathone:
2.The Closer
3.The Closer
4.The Closer
5.The Closer
6.Kara Sedgwicke as Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson
I know she must spell Leigh like this because she's acting southern
7.And of course there's G.W. Bailey as Lt. Provenza the nice white haired guy hey
white is good
8.And then there's the overbearing mother on the show I don't know why mom's are put in that catagory but I tend to call it a gift from God to our children .Well let's end up on a happy note
9. The Closer
10.How about those Giants

Sunday, February 3, 2008

top ten birthday party rules

1.wait till children have a nap before party
2. don't have any Elmo's gifts,to much stress for mom who's child belongs in EA,
elmo's anonymous
3. don't make birthday boy or girl share new toys it's their day gifts later might help the addicted child who shall remain anonymous the one who picks up remote control and says Elmo
5.let children go outside
6.even if's there's snow
7.everyone else inside
8.have mini cupcakes big ones are too much
9.wear your earplugs
10.or just pretend your in the zone who cares
11. i know i said it was ten but remember the EA child in your prayers